Big Thinkers was a short line educational games from Humongous Entertainment, which revolved around Ben Brightly and his sister Becky Brightly, two characters with the ability to shapeshift into any object they desire, whom the player interacts with while exploring the house and playing mini-games to earn stars of one of five colors: Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, and Purple. Each color represents a different category of education, such as yellow representing art. Upon collecting a large amount of each color, the player then has a chance to attempt a longer mini-game to obtain a larger dull orange-colored star wearing a square academic cap (as well as sunglasses in First Grade). The game is never-ending.
The series contains of two games: Big Thinkers Kindergarten, and Big Thinkers 1st Grade. Both titles feature the same goal of collecting stars, and the same setting, although the activities offered are different with each title. 1st Grade also replaces the woods area featured in Kindergarten with the Brightly's garage.
The characters Ben and Becky Brightly are voiced by Mike Shapiro and Karen Kay Cody.
There were plans to release a third game in the series, which would be titled Big Thinkers 2nd Grade. It is unknown if the game was released in a very limited quantity, or not at all.